Buy ak47 VEPR Online for sale
Buy ak47 VEPR Online is a Russian-made 7.62×39mm semi-automatic descende from the legendary AK-47. Few countries have fought as so many invaders as Russia. Thus, unsurprisingly, Molot Arms was found in 1940 to defend Russia as storms gathere for World War II. When Germany invade Russia in June 1941, the factory and its workers were move lock stock and barrel from Zagorsk, Moscow Oblast to Vlatskiya Polyany, Russia 500 miles east of Moscow. The company has continue production there ever since.
Molot means hammer and this AK47 certainly strikes like one, but at far greater distances. Vepr means wild boar and is the brand name of guns exporte to the US market. However, with the current political situation, exports from Molot to the United States have been suspende for the foreseeable future. For now, remaining Molot Vepr AK47s are being snappe up by collectors. So let’s cover some key metrics and other specifics.
The AK-47 gets its name from Automatic Kalashnikov 1947, the year the iconic gun was green-light for production. The gun is famous world over and was design for very simple mass production. The VEPR derives from the AK-47, but is semi-automatic instead of fully automatic, but it’s also chrome line and hammer forget making it far stronger than a standard AK-47.
The Molot Vepr AK47 features a stamp receiver and black polymer furniture and has a two lug bolt design to secure the breech.
The gun comes in a 16.5” long barrel with a 4 groove RH twist and is fronte by a 14x1mm TPI thread. Aiming is via a front sight block and a 1,000 meter sight leaf that’s adjustable for windage. Overall length is 34.75”, weight is 8 pounds and the gun come standard with an American market approve 5-round removable box magazine.
The Molot Vepr AK47 has two different stock options. The standard gun has a shorter than usual Warsaw-length fixe stock with a built in storage compartment. The other option is a skeletonize left-hand folding stock. The two models are otherwise the same except this second model’s length grows to 36.80” and weight increases to 10.1 pound. Both stocks have rubber buttpads. The Molot Vepr AK47 is Made in Russia.
Do you have a Molot VEPR AK47 for sale? click here.
Manuel Perez –
AK47 great and awesome to build and mod